EMDR Therapy for Attachment Wounding

EMDR Therapy can be very helpful for individuals struggling with the effects of Attachment Wounding, sometimes referred to as Complex PTSD. Attachment Wounding or CPTSD results from experiencing prolonged or repetitive trauma. If you grew up in a home with alcoholism, addiction, abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, gaslighting, codependency, enmeshment, strong religious dogma, or a variety of dysfunction, than you might have symptoms of CPTSD. Often people with CPTSD, may have a list of diagnoses both medical and mental health related but do not feel like the real underlying issue is being address.

You might identify as an adult child of alcoholics (ACA or ACOA) or an adult child of a dysfunctional family or you might be struggling with understanding how the pieces fit together.

Symptoms include but are not limited to:

Behavioral: Impulsivity, aggression, self-destructive behavior, and misuse or overuse of substances, food, work, sex, etc.

Emotional: Depression, hopelessness, stuck rage, numbness, frozen feelings, frequent emotion dysregulation, shame, guilt

Dissociation: Feeling not here or split inside

Negative Beliefs: Persistent critical thoughts and feelings about oneself, others, or the world.

Relationship issues: Chaotic, codependent, or dysfunction relationship patterns

Somaticization: Body Aches and pains, headaches, digestion issues, frequent visits to the doctor without medical explanation or relief

Rather than just treating symptoms, we go deeper to explore the underlying beliefs, patterns from your childhood and family origin, and your present day nervous system patterns of protection that might be inadvertently maintaining unwanted issues in your life today. Then we work to reprocess and update these old belief systems or stored somatic responses into more functional, empowering ones.

Working with our therapists you will work toward:

  • Healing from past events and attachment wounds

  • Increase compassion, curiosity, and perspective

  • Improve destructive behavioral cycles

  • Feel safer, more connected, and empowered

Our goal is not to dwell on the past. It's to help you let go of what doesn't serve you, heal what's yours to heal, and create the life you want. One defined by your values and strengths, not past pain.

If you're ready to get started, email us today.